There exists a realm where pain is a given and finishing the ride is the ultimate prize. We ride through blazing hot sunlight and unknown midnight darkness. Singletrack pathways redefine distances as we reach terrain rarely conquered. Sometimes we race to cover distance. Other times to prove our worth against the clock. Six, twelve, twenty-four hours. Sometimes more.
Mountain Race Models
29er, 650b, or 26”
Sola SL은 크로스컨츄리의 혈통을가진 자전거로 다재다능한 용도가 넓은 모델로 테크니칼한 다운힐과 다양한 등반에 적합한 모델이기도 합니다.
Sola SL의 Double Butted™( 튜브내경을 두번깎는 공법)된 티타늄 튜브셋트의 선택은 지형에 맞게 강성과 발란스 사이의 적절한 균형을 받아들일 수 있도록 설계된 모델입니다.
Sola SL은 10년 이상 세븐의 산악자전거 베스트 셀링 모델로 많은 사랑을 받고 있습니다.
29er, 650b, or 26”
Sola S는 최대의 내구성과 큰 경제성을 위해 설계된 다기능 고성능 하드테일 입니다.
방탄 기능 과 같이 강력한 Straight-gauge™ 구조의 튜브셋은 험나난 지형에서 거칠게 자전거를 타는 라이더 들에게는 탁월한 선택입니다.
29er, 650b, or 26”
길들여지지 않은 쪽에 가까운 전통적인 모델입니다.
Sola는 스틸 마운틴 바이크가 얼마나 멀리까지 왔는지 보여줍니다.
라이더별 특징이있는고유한 튜빙, 정확한 핏팅과 핸들링, 완벽한 구성 요소의 호환성등이 끝이 없는 주문 제작의 옵션을 보여줍니다.
One Mountain Bike
Many Choices

No one wheel is ideal for all applications. 29er. 26”. 650b. 96er. A decade ago, when we built our first 29er prototype, wheel and tire options were woefully limited; we had to use road hoops to get us going. Fast forward to today: we design bikes for all wheel and tire sizes. We ride them. We race them. We experiment with them. Each wheel size demands geometry adjustments. We‘re comfortable with the tradeoffs that each category requires. |

Whether you seek the purity of off-road single-speeding or you just enjoy the quiet simplicity of one gear, Seven offers a variety of single-speed solutions: belt drive, slider dropouts, eccentric bottom bracket, or horizontal drops. Who would have thought that a simple single-speed had so many options? We can help choose the single best option for your single-speed passion. |

Faster riding through better stopping. We optimize the design with whatever braking system you prefer. Standard hydro disc? Sweet. Prefer an easy to maintain low-mount cable actuated disc? With pleasure. Lightweight purity of V-brakes your preference? Absolutely. Want all three mounting options? Okay…we can do that. Those who can stop faster can ride faster. |

We offer all of our mountain bikes with three bottom bracket options. The most popular is the 68 mm threaded bottom bracket. For those who have something else in mind, we offer the BB30 system to work with the latest oversized spindle. We even offer an eccentric bottom bracket option for single-speed chain tensioning duties. |